37th Cycle

Specific Training Activities for the Doctorate

Several dedicated (ad hoc) courses are provided in the training process, which are activated according to the individual study plans presented each year by the students: for all the courses, with specialist, interdisciplinary and IT contents, a final test must be passed

Ad hoc courses

Electrical Engineering Curriculum

Analysis of nonlinear dynamic systems

Modeling with partial differential equations

Advanced MATLAB and Simulink programming

Basic course Ansi C and Labwindows CVI

Access to funding for research and technology transfer

Labview programming course

Advanced programming course for FPGA application

Advanced diagnostic techniques for electrical and electronic components

Principles of Systems Engineering

A Selection of Materials Science Lectures

Complex Systems for Mobility Curriculum

Analysis of nonlinear dynamic systems

Modeling with partial differential equations

Advanced MATLAB and Simulink programming

Basic course Ansi C and Labwindows CVI

Access to funding for research and technology transfer

Labview programming course

Advanced programming course for FPGA application

Optimization methods applied to the naval sector

Underwater radiated noise from marine Propellers

Technology and mechanics of composite materials

Underwater radiated noise from marine Propellers

Fatigue of welded structures

Principles of Systems Engineering

A Selection of Materials Science Lectures

Courses borrowed from MSc programs

To reduce any incoming educational debts, students of the PhD program are advised to follow courses borrowed from Master of Science programs, primarily among those offered by the University of Genova.

In particular, students of the Electrical Engineering Curriculum, in the presence of basic training gaps, are advised to follow targeted courses of the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

In the presence of basic training gaps, PhD students of the Complex Systems for Mobility Curriculum are advised to follow targeted courses of the Master of Science in Naval Engineering , of the Master of Science in Maritime and Port Economics and Management and of the Master of Science in Management Engineering

National and International PhD Schools

PhD students are strongly advised to participate in the National and International PhD Schools, which are organized periodically, with variable dates from year to year, in the different research fields. Here are the links to some of the schools recommended for PhD students of previous cycles:

European PhD School: Power Electronics, Electrical Machines, Energy Control and Power Systems

National School of Electrical Engineering “Ferdinando Gasparini”

PhD Summer School Mont-Soleil: Field-Based Insight into the Implementation of Renewable

Seminarial Activities

Seminars, courses, conferences, workshops deemed of interest in the various disciplinary areas are continuously reported by the Coordinator to the PhD students.

Linguistic and IT improvement activities

The scientific dissemination activity related to the Phd Course is carried out almost exclusively in English. In almost all cases, the Tutors offer PhD students to participate in International Conferences, also for the dissemination of the results of their research, and / or internships abroad at qualified universities or research centers. Seminar courses and workshops dedicated to the practical knowledge of the English language and for writing international scientific articles are recommended

Foreign students are advised to attend Italian courses for greater integration into the Italian society

Ad hoc courses are provided for learning specific calculation tools and data acquisition and measurements, such as the following:

Advanced MATLAB and Simulink programming

Basic course Ansi C and Labwindows CVI

Labview programming course

Advanced programming course for FPGA application

In addition, each Tutor always provides for the IT improvement of his Phd students, by making available the calculation tools used in his research laboratory.

Furthermore, seminars, courses, conferences, workshops deemed of interest in this area are continuously reported by the Coordinator to the PhD students.

Research and intellectual property enhancement activities

PhD students will be provided with information and insights on the issue of access to research funding, with particular reference to the methods for presenting international and national research projects, for evaluating research proposals and methods for carrying out projects and for dissemination and exploitation of results. For example, some of the aspects mentioned are dealt with in the ad hoc course

Access to funding for research and technology transfer

Furthermore, seminars, courses, conferences, workshops deemed of interest in this area are continuously reported by the Coordinator to the PhD students, with particular reference to the dissemination of information to enhance their research activities in International Conferences and Journals. University and external skills will also be used to provide PhD students with guidelines for the establishment and enhancement of university spin-offs.